View Full Version : Segmentation fault on Linux, but not on my Macbook

19th May 2010, 14:22
Hi to all.
first of all, I'm sorry for my bad english. =)

I have to develop a game, a kind of Monopoly.

I have used to implement the app on my macbook Qt Creator for Qt 4.6 and the game compile and don't have any runtime error..

When I try to compile by command line of shell my app on linux, that have intalled Qt 4.3 (my app have to run correctly on linux for pass my exam), it ends for a segmentation fault. I have found where my app crash, but I can't understand why..

It stopped on two cases:
1. When I call qapp->quit();
2. When I call setCentralWidget(MyObject*);

The error can be the distructor, but they are actually empty..
And in the second case, I'm sure that my object exist and it's a qwidget..

Someone can help me??

Thanks a lot

19th May 2010, 14:45
Possible memory corruption? Try something like Valgrind