View Full Version : invoking Matlb through QT

20th May 2010, 12:48

I am trying to invoke matlab using the QProcess class, however, it is not working.
Each time matlab is invoked, it flashes for a second and dissapears. There are no such
issues while invoking other processes such as emacs, Firefox etc.
Please help.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

QApplication app(argc, argv);
QStringList argo, list;
QProcess exec;
argo<<"-nojvm -nosplash -r 'addmatrix(2,7)'";
exec.start("matlab", argo);
return app.exec();

20th May 2010, 14:18
I seem to recall that anything following the run (-r) option had to be in double quotes. This may be your problem.

Have you tried starting matlab without any arguments?


22nd May 2010, 22:43
Here is how I got this to work:
link the following matlab libs:

LIBS += -L "c:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2007b/bin/win32" \
-leng -lmat -lmex -lmwblas -lmwlapack -lmwmathutil -lmx -ldfblas -ldflapack

Then in your program, invoke the engine like so:

#include <engine.h>
Engine *ep = engOpen(NULL);
QString tmp = QString("numcycles = 0;");

you can also work with arrays and variables - consult the matlab documentation and search for engGetVariable and engPutVariable

good luck