View Full Version : Webkit + Proxy problem

21st May 2010, 06:30
I implemented a simple interface to connect to Google Map API.
The connection starts by creating

manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);

this->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("Map", this);

connect(this,SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl&)),SLOT(waitPage()));
connect(page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()),
this, SLOT(populateJavaScriptWindowObject()));

connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
connect(this,SIGNAL(reloadMap()), this,SLOT(loadCoordinates()));

The code works fine, but some users said to me that they could not connect and the map does not show at all.
I guess that some of them use Proxy to connect to Internet.Shall I implement a Proxy also in QNetworkAccessManager?

21st May 2010, 07:01
Yes, you should provide your users the ability to set a proxy.
Some internet providers want their users to go through a proxy.