View Full Version : help with an editor like dbdesigner

21st May 2010, 16:41
I need to do somethin like dbdesigner, but i don't have any idea to do it, i want only to create an entity and edit it, and resize it too...


22nd May 2010, 08:34
Maybe you want to look into QTableView, QSqlTableModel, QDataWidgetMapper. See also here: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/sql-tablemodel.html.

23rd May 2010, 04:35
I see your point, but a don't want to print a table that's correspond with an data base table. I want to desig an entity that correspond with an specific data base, some thin like design an enity with its attributes (primaries keys, foreign keys, and attributes), and its relationships... and i like add an remove this attributes, and resize the entities...
