View Full Version : GeographicLib and Qt

23rd May 2010, 15:04
Hi all...
i am trying to use GeographicLib library for my application.
i have linked this library and i added typedef eg-

using namespace GeographicLib;
typedef Math::real real;

real a, r, k0;
GeographicLib::TransverseMercator TMS = TransverseMercator( a, r, k0);

and i have got error like this-
undefined reference to `GeographicLib::TransverseMercator::TransverseMerc ator(double, double, double)'

plz help...

24th May 2010, 23:23
I assume that error message is coming from the linker. Looks like the library is not being found by the linker. If you are using qmake then check that you have the LIBS variable set correctly with

LIBS += -L/path/to/library_directory -lname