View Full Version : Deployment directory question

23rd May 2010, 15:16
I'm deploying an application to Windows with a statically linked library.
On the development machine, the pro file has:

INCLUDEPATH += C:\cpp\qt_projects\hrlogger\release\qserialdevice\ src
LIBS += -L"C:\cpp\qt_projects\hrlogger\release\qserialdevice\ src\release"
LIBS += -lqserialdevice

Which works ok, but obviously this won't work on the deployment since the directories will be different. So the question is, how to specify the library directory in the pro file so it is portable?

23rd May 2010, 15:24
Why won't it work? The directories are not stored in the executable - they are only use for compilation and linking.

If you run the exe directly, the only path used is the system path.

23rd May 2010, 15:50
Thanks Mole. Maybe I made a bad assumption, wouldn't be the first time.
Of course it shouldn't matter since it is statically linked. The library should be part of the executable on the deployment machine.