View Full Version : Declaring a slot without "public slots:" declaration?

24th May 2010, 16:33
I need to use macros to declare methods in my classes, some of which should be slots.
But MOC does not resolve macros, so I cannot simply put "public slots:" instead of "public:" declaration within the macro (see example below).

Is there a way of telling the MOC to create a slot from an already declared method?
An equivalent for hypothetical Q_DECLARE_SLOT macro in this (trivial) example:

#define MY_METHODS() \
public: \
int myMethod1( int a, int b ); \
int myMethod2( int a, int b );

class MyClass : public QObject
Q_DECLARE_SLOT( int myMethod1 int int ); // or something similar

24th May 2010, 18:28
What are you trying to achieve?
I don't know why you want to do this.

But try: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qobject.html#Q_SLOT

24th May 2010, 20:28
I don't think this is what I'm looking for.
Q_SLOT can only be used with a method DECLARATION:

Q_SLOT int myMethod1( int a, int b );which in this case would result in redeclaration/overloading error

Or am I wrong? How am I supposed to use it?

I have created this hack for the MOC precompiler:

#define MY_SLOTS( x )

#define MY_METHODS() \
public: \
int myMethod1( int a, int b ) { ... }; \
int myMethod2( int a, int b ) { ... }; \
int myMethod3( int a, int b ) { ... }; \
int myMethod4( int a, int b ) { ... };

class MyClass : public QObject
public slots:
int myMethod1( int a, int b );
int myMethod3( int a, int b );
The compiler simply ignores everything within MY_SLOTS(...) and does not redeclare following methods.
But MOC does interpret this part and generates the code I need.

24th May 2010, 20:45
Why do you want to do this?

24th May 2010, 20:53
I want to use macros to automatize creation of methods. So that instead of declaring several methods and then their several implementations I can just insert one macro call with certain parameters.
But I need some of them to be slots, so that I can access them from a QScriptEngine.

I hope future versions of MOC will support macros, or at least have the tag I needed (Q_DECLARE_SLOT or similar).

24th May 2010, 21:20
Sounds like what you need is a decent code completion engine such as VAX that let you define your class structure and then let you automatically create the appropriate implementation from those declarations.