View Full Version : QFtp bug ?? When in active mode

25th May 2010, 13:20
SO I´m into some problems, because my application is ready and the ftp part is not working very well as I had to change the Ftp Client (QFtp) to active mode, due to firewall into the network here.

So the Ftp protocol should work like this for uploading a file: It is the resume of the packets captured from a working ftp Client

Client Server
PORT command from myPort --> destination port 21
to myPort <-- PORT Command sucessfull.
STOR fileName.ext --> destination port 21
to myPort <-- Opening mode data connection for fileName.ext
to port PORT <-- from port 20 (SYN) *TCP PROTOCOL
from port PORT --> to port 20 (SYN, ACK) *TCP PROTOCOL
to port PORT <-- from port 20 (ACK) *TCP PROTOCOL
from port PORT DATA --> DATA to port 20

So here is what is happening with my QFtp application using Active mode:

Client [i[Server[/i]
PORT command from myPort --> destination port 21
to myPort <-- PORT Command sucessfull.
ALLO command from myPort --> destination port 21
to myPort <-- ALLO Command sucessfull.
STOR fileName.ext --> destination port 21
to myPort <-- Opening mode data connection for fileName.ext
to port PORT <-- from port 20 (SYN) *TCP PROTOCOL
from port PORT --> to port 20 (SYN, ACK) *TCP PROTOCOL
to port PORT <-- from port 20 (ACK) *TCP PROTOCOL
from myPort --> to port 21 (ACK) *TCP Protocol
----------- NO MORE CONVERSATION-----------------------

on both transfers I got TYPE SET TO I ok....
Also, when listing the files it does work perfectly....

The server type is, from WS_FTP
215 Windows_NT
Host type (2): Microsoft NT

But the error also happens in other servers, but not always

It does create the file on the server, but it has 0 bytes!
No, its not permission problem...it worked OK with all other Ftp clients

I hope someone here can help me...I´m stuck on this for some weeks...

Oh, this is the code I use to upload the files...

#include "FtpFileSender.h"

FtpFileSender::FtpFileSender(QFtp *ftp) : nomeArquivoEnviando(NULL), barraDeProgresso(NULL)
this->ftp = ftp;
connect(ftp, SIGNAL(commandFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(comandoFinalizado(int, bool)));

void FtpFileSender::enviarArquivos(QStringList caminhoArquivos) throw (QString*)
QString nome;
QFile *file = NULL;
for(int i=0; i<caminhoArquivos.size(); i++)
file = new QFile(caminhoArquivos.at(i));
nome = this->getNomeArquivo(file->fileName());
mapaDeArquivos.insert(ftp->put(file, nome, QFtp::Binary), file);

QString FtpFileSender::getNomeArquivo(QString caminhoArquivo)
QString nome;
QStringList nomeAux;
nome = caminhoArquivo;
nomeAux = nome.split("/");
nome = nomeAux.at(nomeAux.size()-1);
else if(nome.contains("\\"))
nomeAux = nome.split("\\");
nome = nomeAux.at(nomeAux.size()-1);
return nome;

void FtpFileSender::comandoFinalizado(int id, bool erro)
QFile* arquivo = mapaDeArquivos.take(id);
delete arquivo;

void FtpFileSender::setLabelArquivoSendoEnviado(QLabel* label)
this->nomeArquivoEnviando = label;
connect(ftp, SIGNAL(commandStarted(int)), this, SLOT(comandoIniciado(int)));

void FtpFileSender::unsetLabelArquivoSendoEnviado()
disconnect(ftp, SIGNAL(commandStarted(int)), this, SLOT(comandoIniciado(int)));
this->nomeArquivoEnviando = NULL;

void FtpFileSender::unsetProgressBar()
disconnect(ftp, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)), barraDeProgresso, SLOT(setDataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)));
this->barraDeProgresso = NULL;

void FtpFileSender::comandoIniciado(int id)
if(this->nomeArquivoEnviando == NULL)
QString nome(this->mapaDeArquivos.value(id)->fileName());

void FtpFileSender::setProgressBar(BarraDeProgresso* barra)
this->barraDeProgresso = barra;
connect(ftp, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)), barraDeProgresso, SLOT(setDataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)));



25th May 2010, 14:34
Oh well,
using Java and apache commons net it worked OK, so I think its a BUG from QFtp.... How can I report it?