View Full Version : QtScript nesting with include/imports or spawned script engines

25th May 2010, 23:42
Has anyone ever tried to implement a form of script nesting within a QtScript/QtScriptEngine design. I'm trying to create a unit testing platform in which the entire system is driven via QtScript. Ideally i would create a global 'TestDriver' object and have all of the includes (individual tests) register themself with the global TestDriver before calling TestDriver.executeTests();

Imagine you have a test.qs and init.qs
init.qs :

var TestDriver = new TestDriver();

//include actually pauses interpretation of this QtScript and
// begins execution of test.qs -- making it like a C++ header

var w = test.somemethod(); // execute individual test
TestDriver.executeTests(); // execute all registered tests

I'm thinking the only way to create the above is to either have a QtScript preprocessor which basically does the file inclusion before sending it to the ScriptEngine.evaluate method. However that is kind of messy.

Another idea is to nest a ScriptEngine within a script to allow a script to execute other scripts (i hope there is a better way to do this).

26th May 2010, 09:01
Don't really understand the situation. It's my lack of imagination. But sounds like eval() might be something you want to look into: (http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_eval.asp). To read other .js files, I gues you need to add a custom function aka include("filename") // return content of file

2nd June 2010, 23:06
I solved the first idea by implementing the C++ preparser, basically before I pass a QScript to QScriptEngine.evaluate() I do the following:
1) Begin reading from source script.
2) I look for any instances of 'include("somefile.js");
3) If an include exists I open the include file, and stream the contents into the current TextStream -- this is recursive, if it isn't an include I just stream it as normal
4) Once I've processed the entire script I'm able to do the following

function magicalFunction()
print ("Executed included function");



function init()
print ("Calling Included Script");
print ("End Call");


Calling Included Script
Executed included function
End Call

22nd October 2010, 19:49
I was having this issue as well. A related thread addresses it perfectly. You just need to tweak the context a bit before you call evaluate:

QScriptContext *context = engine->currentContext();
QScriptContext *parent=context->parentContext();


Original thread: http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/20432-Can-I-include-a-script-from-script