View Full Version : reading servral XMLs from a socket using QXmlStreamReader

26th May 2010, 19:01
In the aplication I am writing, I get a TCP socket connected to a remote serverm and trough that socket the remote site sends me a series of XML.

I used a piece of code similar to this:

void readData( QTcpSocket *socket )
QXmlStreamReader (socket);

QString s = xml.name().toString();
if (s.toLower() != "root_element"){

while (xml.readNextStartElement()) {
s = xml.name().toString();
/// more code

The problem is that the first XML gets read perfectly, the second XML sent is just get borked: with the remote server I get the 2nd XML borked (I trubcated XML tags). When I cat several XMLs trough "nc localhost 4444", the second XML does not even get to the application.

Can anyone help me?