View Full Version : Receive HotKey events with QAbstractEventDispatcher?

28th May 2010, 14:40
Hello Qt experts,

I have created an add-on for a game (I use Visual Studio 2008 C++ and Qt 4.6.2.). It works fine!

Now I want to receive events from keystrokes when in-game (non-windows mode?!). The solution I have made works, but only when the game is not running :(
I think it has something to do with the events not being sent to my window any more, so I would like to dig deeper into the Windows event-mechanism.

The code I made is this:


#ifndef FACEAPP_H
#define FACEAPP_H

#include <QApplication>

class FaceApp : public QApplication
FaceApp( int &argc, char **argv ) : QApplication( argc, argv ) {}
~FaceApp() {}

void SetupEventFilter( MyClass *window );

bool winEventFilter( MSG * msg, long * result );


#endif // FACEAPP_H


#include "FaceApp.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include <QDebug>

// Override the Application MessageFilter, to receive messages from the game(s)
bool FaceApp::winEventFilter( MSG * msg, long * result )
int msgType = msg->message; // test line

if (msgType == WM_HOTKEY) {
switch ( msg->wParam ) {
case 777:
qDebug() << "FaceApp::winEventFilter says: HOME pressed";
case 778:
qDebug() << "FaceApp::winEventFilter says: END pressed";
qDebug() << "FaceApp::winEventFilter says: unknown HotKey pressed";
return( false );

// Setup the EventFilter
void FaceApp::SetupEventFilter( MyClass *window ) {

if ( RegisterHotKey( window->winId(), 777, MOD_WIN, VK_HOME ) ) {
qDebug() << "FaceApp::SetupEventFilter says: RegisterHotKey HOME =" << VK_HOME;
if ( RegisterHotKey( window->winId(), 778, MOD_WIN, VK_END ) ) {
qDebug() << "FaceApp::SetupEventFilter says: RegisterHotKey END =" << VK_END;

QAbstractEventDispatcher *evtdis = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance();
if (evtdis != NULL) {
qDebug() << "FaceApp::SetupEventFilter says: EventDispatcher found!";



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FaceApp a(argc, argv);

// Create the Main Window and DeskTop and Exec!
MyClass w;

QDesktopWidget desktop;
w.move(desktop.screenGeometry().width()/2-w.width()/2, 10);

return 0;

When I run my program, the HotKey events do arrive fine. If I minimize my main-window, they still do. After starting another program, like Outlook, the HotKeys still make it through. However, when I start the game and press the HotKeys, nothing arrives any more.

The Help of winEventFilter suggests I use the QAbstractEventDispatcher to receive system wide keystrokes. As you can see I have tried it, but don't know how to proceed. Calling the instance(), I can. But the what? Where do I put the code for receiving the events?

Any help is appreciated!

31st May 2010, 20:26
Well Guys and Girls :(

Thanks, but No Thanks! Nobody has a clue? No problemo, I fixed it myself...
If you need to get keyboard-input, no matter what the status of your application or window?: use DirectInput!
This helped me on the way: http://www.directxtutorial.com/Tutorial9/E-DirectInput/dx9E1.aspx