View Full Version : amazonFrLogin

23rd July 2006, 23:05
I call the amazon.fr url as follows :

//************************************************** ***************************
void ApplicationWindow::amazonFrLogin()
//************************************************** ***************************
QMessageBox::critical( this, "Mutant", "enter amazonFrLogin" );
// target url
QUrl url("http://www.amazon.fr");

http = new QHttp(this);
connect(http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(getLogin(bool)));
// remember to set the host

// the resulting data will be stored in the buffer
buffer = new QBuffer(this);
http->get(url.toString(), buffer);
//************************************************** ***************************
void ApplicationWindow::getLogin( bool error )
//************************************************** ***************************
QMessageBox::critical( this, "Mutant", "enter getLogin" );

I get when I execute :
"Mutant", "enter amazonFrLogin"

But never "Mutant", "enter getLogin" as if the call failed somewhere.
So the application goes back to the main loop and waits.

I have use this piece of code before so I know it works.
What can be wrong ?

23rd July 2006, 23:10
QUrl url("<a class="bbcodeurl" href="http://www.amazon.fr" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.fr</a>");
This should be:
QUrl url( "http://www.amazon.fr" );
And make sure you add some delay between requests, not to irritate the admins.

23rd July 2006, 23:16
that is what the code, it has been garbled when i posted should be :

//************************************************** ***************************
void ApplicationWindow::amazonFrLogin()
//************************************************** ***************************
QMessageBox::critical( this, "Mutant", "enter amazonFrLogin" );
// target url
QUrl url("http://www.amazon.fr");

Again there is no formatting like this my source code.

23rd July 2006, 23:20
But never "Mutant", "enter getLogin" as if the call failed somewhere.
So the application goes back to the main loop and waits.

I have use this piece of code before so I know it works.
What can be wrong ?
Are you sure that getLogin() is a slot?

23rd July 2006, 23:35
This should be:
QUrl url( "http://www.amazon.fr" );
And make sure you add some delay between requests, not to irritate the admins.

My code says that, it garbled when I paste the text;
When I paste in notepad, no problem :o

23rd July 2006, 23:42
Anyway it does not work with the old url either.
I have to investigate before you try to find for nothing.
There is a bug elsewhere I have to find.:)

24th July 2006, 07:24
I have a problem. The following code does not work properly.
I tried to make it short.

//************************************************** ***************************
void ApplicationWindow::creditUrl()
//************************************************** ***************************
// target url
QUrl url("http://api.smsbox.fr/index.php?");
url.addQueryItem("login", iniGet( "Login" ));
url.addQueryItem("pass", iniGet( "Password" ));
url.addQueryItem("action", iniGet( "Action" ));

http = new QHttp(this);
connect(http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(defineSMSCredit(bool)));
// remember to set the host

// the resulting data will be stored in the buffer
buffer = new QBuffer(this);
http->get(url.toString(), buffer);

//************************************************** ***************************
void ApplicationWindow::defineSMSCredit( bool error )
//************************************************** ***************************
// handle http reply for credit request
handleSMSCredit( error );

// read destin undefined from ini file
qS = iniGet( "TxtDestinataires" ) + " " + iniGet( "TxtIndefini" );
appendRow( qS );
// connect
connect( pbDestin, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( destinataires() ) );
connect( pbArchiv, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( archives() ) );
connect( pbConfig, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( config() ) );
connect( pbApropos, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( apropos() ) );
connect( pbEnvoyer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( envoyer() ) );
connect( qMessage, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( messageChanged() ) );
connect( pbClose, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( hide() ) );
//************************************************** ***************************
void ApplicationWindow::destinataires()
//************************************************** ***************************
QMessageBox::warning( this, "Mutant", "enter destinataires" );
// target url
QUrl url("http://api.smsbox.fr/index.php?");
url.addQueryItem("login", iniGet( "Login" ));
url.addQueryItem("pass", iniGet( "Password" ));
url.addQueryItem("action", iniGet( "Action" ));

http = new QHttp(this);
connect(http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(amazon_MainPage(bool)));
// remember to set the host

// the resulting data will be stored in the buffer
buffer = new QBuffer(this);
http->get(url.toString(), buffer);

The first http call is processed properly when creditUrl() is called.

For the second call I enter destinataires as I get the message box.
Then nothing, goes back to main loop never goes to amazon_MainPage.

24th July 2006, 07:25
the html coding in the urls is added by the post. i don't have it in my code pasting from
notepad !:confused:

24th July 2006, 12:36
the html coding in the urls is added by the post. i don't have it in my code pasting from
notepad !:confused:
Just uncheck the "Automatically parse links in text" checkbox below the editor.

24th July 2006, 17:09
When I query www.amazon.fr (http://www.amazon.fr) here is what I get back :

Version 1.0 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000002015 StartFragment:0000000127 EndFragment:0000001997
<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/405320">here</a>.</p>

rather than the site.

What am I doing wrong ?:)

24th July 2006, 17:20
What am I doing wrong ?
Nothing --- just open www.amazon.fr with a normal browser and you will be redirected too.

24th July 2006, 17:21
QUrl url("http://www.amazon.fr");

the says "http::etc..." without coding, I can't help but show it on the post.
parse links on or off

24th July 2006, 17:30
If I understand correctly I have to parse the returned page and follow the link ?

24th July 2006, 17:40
If I understand correctly I have to parse the returned page and follow the link ?
Yes, but probably that link is in one of the HTTP headers too.