View Full Version : unable to get host name from QUrl::host() ?

10th June 2010, 09:48
#include <QUrl>

int main()

QUrl url("ftp.trolltech.com/mirrors");

qDebug() << "Url is invalid";

// url.setHost(url.toString());
// url.setHost(url.path());
qDebug() << "url.host() = " << url.host(); // not getting host name ......???????

qDebug() << "Url.path() = "<<url.path();
qDebug() << "url.scheme() = " <<url.scheme();
qDebug() << "QFileInfo(url.path()).fileName() = "<<QFileInfo(url.path()).fileName();
qDebug() << "url.port() = " << url.port(21);

// The other case tried by keeping scheme is as shown below .. still not getting hostname ..?????

QUrl url1("ftp:");
qDebug() << "url1.host() = " << url1.host();

return 0;

17th July 2010, 12:02
Maybe you forgot the ftp:// or http:// in your url.

//QUrl url("ftp.trolltech.com/mirrors");
QUrl url("ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/mirrors");

//QUrl url1("ftp:");
QUrl url1(""); // or QUrl url1(""); // btw, pinging this ip gives me request time out.
qDebug() << "url1.host() = " << url1.host();