View Full Version : Qt/Embedded: QWS Frame buffer resolution change at run time ...

17th June 2010, 04:25
Hi All,

We know that when Qt application executed with qws, it will find the frame buffer resolution and display for that.
But how can we conciliate this when frame buffer resolution change at run time?
Welcome to discuss this ...


OS : linux 2.6
Qt : Qt/E 4.6.1

20th July 2010, 16:15
It seems like very difficult to solve it ...
Any body knows any hint to solve this issue....

23rd November 2011, 12:39
Now I am facing the same problem. Did it sloved for u.

In my application which runs in target device LCD(IMX-31) of screen resolution 240x320, when i click a button it should launch on a VGA desktop of screen resolution 800x600.

If u know how to shift from LCD to VGA, please help me.

Thanks in advance.

26th November 2011, 11:09
My project works on Qt/Embedded but on x86_64, to switch frame buffer resolution I use fbset utility. With Matrox G550e video card I also use matroxset tool.