View Full Version : QTreeWidget crash (improver use?)

18th June 2010, 07:08

I created a QTreeWidget with QToolButtons on sub level items, and by clicking on the button it should be removed from the treewidget with it's QTreeWidgetItem.
The problem is when i expand the first top level item, it's crashes.

May i use QTreeWidget improperly? :(
Please help!

Here is the code representing my problem:

#ifndef TRASH2_H
#define TRASH2_H

#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QStringList>
#include "ui_trash2.h"

class trash2 : public QMainWindow

trash2(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0)
: QMainWindow(parent, flags)

QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;
item = addTopLevelItem( 0 );
addSubLevelItem( item, 0 );
addSubLevelItem( item, 1 );
addSubLevelItem( item, 2 );




QTreeWidgetItem* addTopLevelItem(int i)
QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;
QStringList list;
list << QString("Top%1").arg(i);
item = new QTreeWidgetItem( list );
ui.treeWidget->addTopLevelItem( item );

return item;

void addSubLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem, int i)
QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;
QToolButton* button = 0;
QStringList list;
item = new QTreeWidgetItem( parentItem );
button = new QToolButton( ui.treeWidget );
button->setText( QString("button%1").arg(i) );
button->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon );
button->setAutoRaise( true );
button->setChecked( false );

connect( button, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( buttonPressed() ) );
parentItem->addChild( item );
vmi[button] = item;
ui.treeWidget->setItemWidget( item, 0, button );

public slots:
void buttonPressed()
QToolButton* button = dynamic_cast<QToolButton* >( sender() );
if ( button )
QTreeWidgetItem* item = vmi[button];
vmi.remove( button );
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent();
if ( parent )
parent->removeChild( item );
delete item;

Ui::trash2Class ui;
QMap<QToolButton* , QTreeWidgetItem* > vmi;

#endif // TRASH2_H

18th June 2010, 07:51
First of all, the code you posted is very weird.
Why do you code the implementation in the header? Are you coming from a C# world?

The problem is when i expand the first top level item, it's crashes.
I copied your code and tried it for myself. It doesn't crash for me.
Post the error you get please.

May i use QTreeWidget improperly? :(
The use of ui is a little bit strange to me.
And you should include QTreeWidgetItem

18th June 2010, 08:02
First of all, the code you posted is very weird.
Why do you code the implementation in the header? Are you coming from a C# world?

Nope. It's easier to post here. The source and the header is separated in my solution.
And it is a samle code.

I copied your code and tried it for myself. It doesn't crash for me.
Post the error you get please.

I don't know if it matters, i compile it with VS 2008 x64 and run it on a Windows 7 x64 system.

Unhandled exception at 0x65948c50 (QtGuid4.dll) in trash2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffffffffffff.

It's crashes in this part ( should i post the Call Stack? ):

QVariant QTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid())
return QVariant();
QTreeWidgetItem *itm = item(index);
if (itm)
return itm->data(index.column(), role);
return QVariant();

The use of ui is a little bit strange to me.
And you should include QTreeWidgetItem
Iit was generated using the default Qt Application project settings in VS2008.
I think the QTreeWidget.h includes QTreeWidgetItem and QTreeWidget is included in the ui's header.

24th March 2013, 01:49
I know this is an old thread, but its fits by problem. Im using Qt5, and am trying to learn about QTreeWidgets. I am getting a crash each time the app runs. I narrowed it down to when I create the QTreeWidget variable.

int main()

QTreeWidget treeWidget; // I crash here


The error I get is:
"The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception.
Stopped in thread 0....... Read access violation.

Anyone know what might be wrong?

24th March 2013, 05:09
not sure what your problem is, but why add all the things on the header file?

Sorry it didnt even show any of the otehr comments can this be deleted?

24th March 2013, 21:17
Nevermind. I found the error of my ways. I was not doing it as a GUI app. DOH!! Anyways, I started a GUI app and the QTreeWidget works just fine