View Full Version : QSlider and sliderReleased() signal

19th June 2010, 15:32
Hi everyone! I subclassed a QSlider to create one which reacts to mousePressEvent and mouseReleaseEvent. Seemed to work quite well till I added the capability for the user to change the slider position by just clicking the slider in some place.

I searched the forums and I implemented this by adding in mousePressEvent the line:

setValue(QStyle::sliderValueFromPosition(minimum() , maximum(), event->x(), width(), 0));

This seems to correctly place the handle of the slider, after that mouseReleaseEvent is called correctly, but it seems the signal mouseReleaseEvent is not. This is my mouseReleaseEvent method:

void SliderProgressIndicator::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseE vent* event) {
// Do whatever you do usually.

// Do some other stuff...

mouseReleaseEvent seems to be called (placed a breakpoint and it's ok), but the singal seems not to be sent. The signal is instead sent when I drag the handle. Any idea why?

I could simply emit it manually, but in the case of the drag I would get the signal is emitted twice...


19th June 2010, 18:37
I solved by emitting a different signal. I don't know why the sliderReleased() signal is not sent, but the solution was quite simple.