View Full Version : drop-down action icon list ?

20th June 2010, 08:14
Is there a simple way to do something like this with Qt ?
http://uppix.net/7/b/c/eb5967c43ffdc4a8180ad6cdc0ea9.jpg (http://uppix.net/7/b/c/eb5967c43ffdc4a8180ad6cdc0ea9.html)
(The selected icon can be checked/unchecked)

20th June 2010, 08:42
answer to myself: QToolButton class and .setMenu() for the pop-up choice.

20th June 2010, 08:57
May be ~

Try creating QMenu with desired actions without name(empty names). Create a new action for your toolbar that will display this menu. set the menu to this action, add the action to toolbar..:confused: