View Full Version : Win7 64bit remote debugging

20th June 2010, 20:20
I encountered several problems by debugging an application remotly on a 64bit windows 7. (originally I wanted to debug with my pc (32bit win xp) the win7 64-bit system. gdb/gdbserver could be connected on the same machine on win xp, 32 bit, but not on win7 64bit)

On the first try I had to replace the provided gdb (and gdbserver) with newer versions, as gdbserver shutdown because it could not unload non existant dlls (which has been fixed by a later gdb version. the version which is provided with qt 2010.03 does have this problem. its a 64bit related problem).

Now I'm able to start a gdbserver which can be connected, but gdb breaks cause of several reasons (most of them because of ntdll signals/traps).

What I'm wandering about (and could not find any further details) is following warning:
warning: A handler for the OS ABI "Cygwin" is not built into this configuration of GDB. Attempting to continue with the default i386:x86-64 settings.

Can anyone exaplain me the problem or does anyone know a solution for it?
