View Full Version : QWebView Crashes APP on Startup

29th June 2010, 00:09
I am incorporating QWebView into my app. My IDE is MSVS 2008 and QT 4.6.3

When I compile my app, it works great in the IDE debugg/release mode but when I go to execute the build files, it crashes on startup. I have all my needed dlls visible.


29th June 2010, 00:25
I just built a simple QT app with just a webview pointing to a webpage, its all that it does. Same result.

I put the project here http://www.mediafire.com/?njtw5dzj0ji

I am starting to think I might be in the wrong C++ IDE for QT. What is the best IDE for QT?

29th June 2010, 00:36
It doesn't matter the IDE tbh. You should try updating your Qt to the latest version 4.6.3 though.

29th June 2010, 02:19
I actually have 4.6.3. sorry about that. and i have MSVS 2008 sp1. I still don't understand why its happening though. I took these steps to set up my project.

create project-> QT Application
project settings-> include libraries ; Core, GUI, SQL, Network, Webkit
precompiled headers not checked

switch mode to Release
open the UI file in QT Designer
Drag and drop the QWebview
in the Release DIR add the DLL's for: Core, GUI, SQL, Network, Webkit
execute and crash

I have been working in QT for about 3 weeks and have apps working with qt UI's, pushbuttons, stackedwidgets and all of that works and builds and executes.
behind that is code for connecting to a mysql db and checking login credentials, if good, switching pages in the stackedwidget to this webview.

I have 2 more things I want to do with this app and then I'm done and those 2 things are working inside my IDE and not from the build. Network/FTP upload file and just displaying a simple html table from a website.

29th June 2010, 08:17
I have been testing things to try to find out whats going on, and I am still stuck.

I did find out that if I put the QWebview object in the GUI and have the default about:blank it works, if I point it to a local file it works in the IDE but not the build outside the IDE and same thing with a simple web url, it crashes instantly

5th July 2010, 20:11
Boo, no answer here either :*(

5th July 2010, 20:23
What's the error?

I have tried the project you upload and it doesn't crash (didn't tried it in the same conditions, i don't have VS integration, so i used Qt Creator from the latest windows open source SDK)

6th October 2010, 14:51
It began to happen with me too...
First occurrence was after updating the Qt SDK to 4.6.3, the error follows:

QWebView *viewer = new QWebView(this); // works fine
viewer->load(QLink("www.qtcentre.org")); // crashes

I'm looking forward to a solution, if anybody have it I would appreciate it very much.