View Full Version : How can I always show the horizontalHeader, even if the qtableview is empty?

Zuchao Wang
29th June 2010, 08:41
Currently when the tableview is empty, the horizontalheader will be automatically hidden. But I want it always shown. Is there anyway to do that?

29th June 2010, 09:15
did you try:
pMyTable->horizontalHeader()->setVisible(true); ?

Zuchao Wang
29th June 2010, 10:00
yeah, but it has no effect.

29th June 2010, 10:28
Can you show your code?
Is the table generated in code, or designer?

Zuchao Wang
29th June 2010, 11:42
Sorry, I cannot show my code.
The table is generated by code, and it's totally following the model/view architecture. Basically it looks lke this:

class A: public QAbstractTableModel{...};
class B: pulbic QSortFilterProxyModel{...};
class C: public QTableView{...};

A a;
B b;
C c;


Here c is the table. Everything just works fine, except that the horizontalHeader of c automatically disappears when I hide all columns in c. I just want the horizontalHeader always shown.

29th June 2010, 11:58
when I hide all columns in c
This is not the same as:

Currently when the tableview is empty
Hidden is not same as empty.

You probably will have to manually call showSection() on the hidden columns,when you hide you columns.