View Full Version : Handling several QGLWidget

1st July 2010, 16:14

I have quite a simple problem. I would like to have a widget containing several different QGLWidget.

The problem is that, I start with the HelloGL example qiven directly by QtCreator. Then, where there is the instanciation of a GLWidget, I decide to instanciate two of them.

Then, I put both of them in the layout.

The problem is that the display is awful. The background of the GLWidget is not what it should be, instead of dispalying the Qt logo, it keeps on dispaying the background, or just nothing, as if the widget were empty.

Well, anything would be helpful!

2nd July 2010, 09:15
texture under examples/OpenGL is a good example of using multiple GL widgets.

2nd July 2010, 10:03
Well, thanks for the tip...

The problem is that even the textures example has the same problem as my HelloGL modification

I didn't want to say it, but I believe this is caused by my Ubuntu 10.04... I had no problem with my 9.10 version, but when I switched to the 10.04, I observed this glitch... I thought it was my fault, some kind of mistake I did, but it seems that it's not just me...

Well, half-solved, at least

2nd July 2010, 19:33
If textures sample doesn't work then you have to fix this in x configuration file. I do not rember the key's but try enabling swcursor,dri if they are not enabled.