View Full Version : Getting the bounding rect of a character in a QTextDocument

1st July 2010, 18:17
I am using QTextDocument for laying out some HTML text. This text gets rendered onto a QImage and its byte data is used to be displayed somewhere else.

Among other things I need to be able to get the x/y/w/h of a character in that QTextDocument. Based on some code here in the forum I am using the code below, but I am wondering whether there is an easier way to do that...

The class has two member variables:

QTextDocument *m_pTextDocument;
QTextCursor *m_pTextCursor;

And the code is:

void CQtTextLayout::GetXYWHOfLayoutIndex( int index, float *flX, float *flY, float *flW, float *flH )
if( m_pTextCursor )
m_pTextCursor->setPosition( index );

const QTextBlock textCursorBlock = m_pTextCursor->block();
const QRectF blockBoundingRect = m_pTextDocument->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect( textCursorBlock );
QTextFrameFormat rootFrameFormat = m_pTextDocument->rootFrame()->frameFormat();

const QTextLayout *textCursorBlockLayout = textCursorBlock.layout();
const int relativeCursorPositionInBlock = m_pTextCursor->position() - m_pTextCursor->block().position();
QTextLine textLine = textCursorBlockLayout->lineForTextPosition( relativeCursorPositionInBlock );

if ( textLine.isValid() ) {
int pos = m_pTextCursor->position() - m_pTextCursor->block().position();
*flY = textLine.lineNumber() * textLine.height() + blockBoundingRect.top();
*flX = textLine.cursorToX(pos) + rootFrameFormat.leftMargin() + rootFrameFormat.padding();
*flW = textLine.cursorToX(pos + 1) + rootFrameFormat.leftMargin() + rootFrameFormat.padding() - *flX;
*flH = textLine.height();
*flX = 0.0;
*flY = 0.0;
*flW = 0.0;
*flH = 0.0;
*flX = 0.0;
*flY = 0.0;
*flW = 0.0;
*flH = 0.0;
DebugLog( "GetXYWHOfLayoutIndex %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f", *flX, *flY, *flW, *flH );