View Full Version : Getting real number of lines (lineCount) of a QTextDocument

1st July 2010, 18:22
The QTextDocument is rendering some HTML code and gets rendered on a QImage.
For some reason myDocument->lineCount() is returning the number of paragraphs but not the actual number of lines. The width of the QTextDocument is set and it is displayed correctly.

I saw some suggestion for converting the text to plaintext and count the newlines or something along the lines, but that is not satisfactory for me.

For now I am using the following code to get the number of lines abusing a textcursor, but I am wondering whether there is a better way to do that:

int CQtTextLayout::GetTotalLineCount( )
int nReturnValue = 0;

if( m_pTextCursor )
m_pTextCursor->movePosition( QTextCursor::Start );
bool isNotDone = true;
int lineCounter = 0;
while( isNotDone )
isNotDone = m_pTextCursor->movePosition( QTextCursor::Down );
DebugLog( "QT GetTotalLineCount %d", nReturnValue );

return nReturnValue;