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View Full Version : No rule to make target?

1st July 2010, 23:41
I created a new project using qmake -project.
Oddly, I get the following error when trying to compile:
no rule to make target 'debug/abstractinfodock.moc'

I looked at other projects that compile fine and I see that
when a file needs a MOC intermediate, qt creates a file
called moc_filename.cpp and is happy.

I checked the .pro file and the makefile and they both look
just like those in projects where I have no problem.

Can anyone toss me a clue?

many thanks,

2nd July 2010, 05:42
Does the declaration in abstractinfodock.h include the Q_OBJECT macro (or does the cpp file #include "abstractinfodock.moc")? This triggers creation of a rule to make the moc file. Run qmake again if you change these.