View Full Version : Errors linking to a Symbian DLL

5th July 2010, 10:47
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to write a Qt program to access APIs within a compiled Symbian C++ DLL library.

I've managed to create an instance and constructor for the library. There's no issue when I compile the DLL itself.

When my Qt program is set to call a function from the library, there aren't any build errors on compiliation but a new .exe isn't created. A look at the console showed these errors:

- illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'RFs'
- illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class 'RFile'
- unidentified identifier 'TFileText'

Error caused tool to abort.

How can I use a Qt program to safely access the RFile object in a Symbian DLL and remove these errors?

(I'm running Carbide C++ v. 2.6, with S60 5th ed. and Qt v. 4.6.3 on WinXP.)