View Full Version : How to query CPU usage, memory status, HDD status on WIN/LINUX

5th July 2010, 16:06
Hello fellows,

Does somebody know if there are specific Qt methods to query hardware status (CPU usage, memory and HDD statuses) on Windows and Linux platforms or there is no way to avoid implementation using native APIs?

Thanks in advance!

5th July 2010, 21:19
Qt dont have especific funtion for get hardware status.

try to use the API that the OS provide for that porpuse. and use QT for build the UI only.

sorry my poor english

6th July 2010, 14:02
Thanks ecanela, I was 99% sure that this is the path I should follow.

8th July 2010, 07:41
Hi, on Linux you can read the files in /proc to get those values.
On Windows you will have to use the native API.
