View Full Version : Hide folder and data in qt 4.6.2

7th July 2010, 09:50
Hi All,

I have certain requirement, I want to make folder or any file invisible to user . For that I am searching in qt but I am not getting any solution. If any one knows that , please tell me how can i proceed towards to solve this problem. If there is any solution in symbian c++ and any body knows that , please tell me. I ll be very thank full.

Thanks in advance,

7th July 2010, 09:56
I want to make folder or any file invisible to user

You have to be a lot more specific than that. Where do you want to hide them?

You can just move them to another folder.
You can put a . in front
In file dialogs, you can use filters

7th July 2010, 10:50
Thanks for helping me.
But I issue is , suppose I am creating one folder inside symbian device (5800) model. It may be inside phone or card.Inside that folder some data is there. I want make that folder invisible . so how can i do this . Please send me detail, as I don't have strong hold on qt or symbian c++.