View Full Version : QT eclipse issues

8th July 2010, 19:36
Hello everyone I am having some issues with getting QT to work with Eclipse.

I installed MinGW and Eclipse successfully. When I start Eclipse I can create a new c++ project and all of my MinGW libraries are listed and everything works.

I then installed QT 4.6.3, Ran the configure -platform and i've set my enviroment variables like I should. I've added both minGw and qt to my environment PATH. When I open eclipse, go to a new c++ project the toolchain editor shows MinGW GCC; is that right? Should it show QTGUI or something else?

Also after using the MinGW CC toolchain, under my project I have a Includes path that show all my MinGW include files, I don't see any QT include files. I added the Include path by going to Properties -> c/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols I added the QT path there and now it shows under my Includes listing.

If I write #include <QApplication> it doesn't work but if I add #include <QTGUI/QAapplication> it works but I can't compile anything.

Error(s): "undefined reference to 'QApplication" & "undefined reference to 'QPushButton()'.

I'm think I may have missed a couple steps after running the configure -platform. Are there other things I have to do?

I've read QTDIR Set to C:\QT\4.6.3 -- How do I do this?

Also QMAKESPEC set to win32-g++ ; what is this?

Now I tried running qmake and qmake -project but it seemed to lock up the entire PC so maybe I didn't allow it to finish..

Any help would be great, and I know it probably seems like I'm jumping around but I am completely lost at this point.


8th July 2010, 20:06
Try this: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/eclipse-integration

8th July 2010, 20:23
Ok, installed it and launched it, nothing has changed though.. Any other additional setup?

--- Selected where my Eclipse.exe file is
--- Selected where my g++ location is

and everything installed, launched it from the start menu but #include <QApplication> still doesn't work. Same undefined reference errors to QApplication.