View Full Version : Help! Qt 4.6.0+Symbian SDK 5 does not support OPENSSL

9th July 2010, 05:57
Hi all
I'm writting a small web app. on Symbian phone with sdk5 to connect HTTPS protocol, the Qt mudule QNetworkAccessManager works fine when it connect normal http. but when it connec to https server, i can't connect the signal "void sslErrors ( QNetworkReply * reply, const QList<QSslError> & errors )" to my slots. I checked the header, the Qt has a definition in <QNetworkAccessManager>

void sslErrors(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList<QSslError> &errors);

It seems the definition QT_NO_OPENSSL does exist. so the method donesn't take effect. but does not Qt support OpenSSL after 4.6?

Furthermore, I downloaded the OpenSSL source form website, but i don't know how to integrate it with my environment (Qt 4.6 + Symbian SDK 5), besides, I check the symbian SDK 5 path, it seems already support openssl.

any solution ?

8th October 2010, 14:56

somebody pls help with this issue, im having the same probs as well in my app

8th October 2010, 16:13
If your Qt doesn't have ssl support then rebuild it with ssl support.