View Full Version : How to get file type Icon ?

10th July 2010, 13:19
So far, I get icon file like this

QIcon Olongia::fileIcon(const QString &filename)
QFileInfo info(filename);
const QString ext=info.suffix().toLower();

QIcon icon;
if (ext == "pdf") {
} else if (ext.startsWith("doc")) {
} else if (ext=="zip" ||
ext=="gz" ||
ext=="bz2" ) {
} else if (ext=="png" ||
ext=="jpg" ||
ext=="gif" ||
ext=="svg" ||
ext=="bmp") {
} else {
QProxyStyle s;
icon=s.standardIcon (QStyle::SP_FileIcon);

return icon;

I think that is not efficient, and after read qtdoc I get new trick like this

QFileInfo info(filename);
QFileIconProvider ip;
QIcon icon=ip.icon(info);

But, that code only working if file is exists in local system. And I need get file type icon for file not exists in local system ? Like QFtp example, only get the filename and show in the TreeViewWidget ?

Thank's before and sorry about my suck english :)

10th July 2010, 15:54
You can create temporary empty file with wanted extention and go with way, you described

11th July 2010, 12:16
Nice idea. I will try :)

11th July 2010, 12:20
How about taking a look at the source code of QFileIconProvider to see how it does it and do the same without having a real file?

12th July 2010, 12:18
You can create temporary empty file with wanted extention and go with way, you described

This trick work on GNOME and Windows. But not on KDE :)