11th July 2010, 02:40
hi. im not a good english speaker or writer. im from venezuela.
but im here, because i need to know what i have to do to:
1. recize all the content of my app when users use the recize option of the default window.
see this pic, for more details:sreenshot (http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/13/1173901/recize%20content.JPG)
2. if i can not do it, how can i disable that option of the window. made it invisible, inexistent, delete it!
3. what is the way of recize the content of my app with the window maximize button.
here is my proyect( if u need code):
Ventas_tarjetas.rar (http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/13/1173901/Ventas_tarjetas.rar)
sorry for my english!!
and thanks for the answers!
but im here, because i need to know what i have to do to:
1. recize all the content of my app when users use the recize option of the default window.
see this pic, for more details:sreenshot (http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/13/1173901/recize%20content.JPG)
2. if i can not do it, how can i disable that option of the window. made it invisible, inexistent, delete it!
3. what is the way of recize the content of my app with the window maximize button.
here is my proyect( if u need code):
Ventas_tarjetas.rar (http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/13/1173901/Ventas_tarjetas.rar)
sorry for my english!!
and thanks for the answers!