View Full Version : Video Conference Develop

12th July 2010, 03:18
Hi i have been searching in the web about developing video conference software but i cant find anything about it. Can anyone can give a hint! thX

8th January 2014, 17:29
Go away, spammer. If I could figure out how to report you and get you banned, I would.

Edit: Aha! Found it - that little triangle icon with the exclamation point!

8th January 2014, 22:10
Hi i have been searching in the web about developing video conference software but i cant find anything about it. Can anyone can give a hint! thX

You are unlikely to find a copy and paste example of video conferencing code that meets your requirements (whatever they are). Like all programming you need to break the problem into smaller components and work out how to each of these before bringing them together. For video conferencing:

How do I capture video frames? What format? What devices do I need to capture form? What platforms? What tools exist that I can use?
All of the above, only for audio
How do I ensure synchronisation of audio to video?
How do I transmit these to a remote party? What constraints must my transmission deal with? How can my software traverse firewalls and other network hazards?
How do I do that if there are multiple remote parties?
How do parties to the video conference find each other? Do I need a directory service?
How do I do anything else that is required in my solution?

You could base an entire book on general answers to those questions

9th January 2014, 21:02
Go away, spammer. If I could figure out how to report you and get you banned, I would.

@ChrisW67 and others who might read this thread: My reply was in regard to a spam comment (which has since been removed), made on 01/08 by someone promoting their videoconferencing software and was not in reference to the original post from 3 1/2 years ago. That comment appeared in-between the original post and mine.

Apparently I was successful in getting the spam comment removed :D but it left the thread in a somewhat confused state.

9th January 2014, 21:35
Aarrgghh!! I saw the spam but did not notice that the thread was three years old :) This is the second or third time I have seen the "video conference software" question in recent days on this forum and others.