View Full Version : Qt unit testing

13th July 2010, 15:57
Hi everyone,
I don't know where to place my testing related question in Qt Centre, that is why I am posting my question in this forum. I am little bit confused about the unit testing procedure in Qt. I have a user interface application, which should be tested before its going to the user. I need to write some test which can test this application for very basic level bugs. I have gone through QTestLib and I am not getting where I can add my existing application as a test application. I know this is very simple question, but I am stuck.
Any help will be appreciated.


13th July 2010, 17:57
The first thing you need to answer is what do you actually want to test. At least please provide one or two examples of what would you like to be tested.

13th July 2010, 18:14
I am testing a User Interface which contains number of buttons,listviews etc. Sorry for less informations provided before.

13th July 2010, 19:20
It's still not enough information :)

How exactly do you want to "test a button"? Remember we are talking about unit testing here. Please provide an example scenario for the test.