View Full Version : Qt 4.6.3 slower than 4.6.2

18th July 2010, 07:32
By slower I mean loading time of a application from when the application has been executed till complete load; so my application which was build with Qt 4.6.2 has instant load.. but with qt 4.6.3 it loads in almost 400 mili sec – 5 sec which is really annoying.
So basically, I have build these two versions of Qt with exact same configuration on same machine:
configure –release –static –no-qt3support –platform win32-msvc2008
nmake sub-src
the machine: OCed Intel Q9550 (stable) – 4Gig ram – Intel X25MII SSD – OS: win7 ultimate
my application which I’m building is about 18K LOC. Static build size is 6,445 KB

and I built those two Qt versions twice to make sure I’m right.
Also I tried this on win xp and I didn’t see any problem, so I’m thinking this has to do something with win7..
Anyway I want to know if anyone faced a problem like this? Any solution? Why should I stay away from 4.6.3?

19th July 2010, 03:49
any replies are welcome..

19th July 2010, 08:28
I had a similar problem when i updated from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 (also on 7, 64bit), i had installed Qt SDK, Nokia SDK(beta), and Qt for VS, and the application started about 10 seconds after double-clicking the .exe file (i had only 4.6.3 in PATH)

I uninstalled everything related to Qt and re-installed Qt SDK and Nokia SDK and i don't have a problem any more, and i had installed the Qt for VS since than, also without a issue.

I can't explain it, the dll's in "path" where the ones from Qt SDK, i tried without them (had the error that could not found dll's) and tried with dll's copied in the application folder so it wasn't some dll's from Nokia SDK that messed up things ... so what could have been? i don't have a clue :confused:

19th July 2010, 12:13
Tnx.. I think we got something here.. it’s the dll stuff

I removed “intel compiler” paths from environment variable (not using it anyway).. and my application which was built with 4.6.3 starts a little faster.. but certainly not satisfying..

Anyway I enabled warnings and I see these warnings with static builds of my application with 4.6.3:

1>QtGui.lib(qapplication.obj) : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ?qt_call_post_routines@@YAXXZ (void __cdecl qt_call_post_routines(void)) imported in function "public: virtual __thiscall QApplication::~QApplication(void)" (??1QApplication@@UAE@XZ)
1>QtGui.lib(qwhatsthis.obj) : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ?qDeleteInEventHandler@@YAXPAVQObject@@@Z (void __cdecl qDeleteInEventHandler(class QObject *)) imported in function "public: static void __cdecl QWhatsThis::hideText(void)" (?hideText@QWhatsThis@@SAXXZ)

What those warnings mean? Should I open a new thread for this?
Qwhatsthis?? rolf