View Full Version : PyQt4: Reload/Reinit QAbstractItemModel?

19th July 2010, 15:42
Hi there people. I'm pretty new at PyQt, or Qt at all,and was trying for some time to write few things with variable success. This time I feel really stuck, so I decide to ask for the kind help of someone, who actually knows what to do :)

So here is my case:

I have a QT App (PyQt actually), which reads some data from a server based sql database, and updates a QStandardItemModel which is used by a QTreeView. I may be wrong, but I guessed the StandardModel is a better choise for my needs, because it also reads the messages from some server node across our network and so on. So my actual question is how can I refresh the QStandartItemModel, but retain the selected row also. I've made a QThread which emits a "refresh" signal every 5 second, and connected it to a custom pyqtSlot in my StandartItemModel which actually calls the __init__ procedure of the model and then reattaches the model to the QTreeView:

class fileList(QtGui.QStandardItemModel):
def __init__(self, parent, viewer, thread = None):
self.viewer = viewer
if self.viewer:
self.viewer.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemVi ew.MultiSelection)

# This connects the QThread signal to the model's slot
if thread:
global refreshThread
self.connect(refreshThread, QtCore.SIGNAL("refresh()"), self.viewer, QtCore.SLOT('reset()'))

def rebuild(self, thread = 0):
state = QtGui.QAbstractItemView.state(self.viewer)
if state:
return # Halt if editing
self.__init__(None, self.viewer, 0)

and the QThread Class:

class Reloader(QtCore.QThread):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
QtCore.QThread.__init__(self, parent)

def run(self):
while True:
self.timeout = REFRESH if REFRESH != 0 else 0.1
if self.timeout == -1:
print "Refresh Halted"

So what is the right way to refresh the QStandardItemModel and retain the selection? I've tried using a QSelectionModel to which I added the selection and the set it as a selection model for the model viewer, but it messes up with my active selection until it refreshes, so I suspect it's totally wrong :)