View Full Version : How to find the cell of Qtablewidget where is located a Qcheckbox (pyQt)

20th July 2010, 16:07

I'm newbiew in python and Qt, I have the following

I have a list of Qcheckbox embebbed in a Qtablewidget that I created with the following code

self.connect(xr[i], QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.change_state)

where i is the column in the QtableWidget and change_state perform some operations with the data in the column i.

If the currently column is the 3 and I check the Qcheckbox that is located in the column 4, after go inside of change_state, the current column is still 3

How can I make that the program know in witch column the Qcheckbox is located?

Many thanks
