View Full Version : DLL Deploying problems

21st July 2010, 14:28
When I deploy my application to another computer where Qt isn't installed, I have these 2 problems:

1- JPG images aren't shown: while bmp images work well.
2- Phonon doesn't work anyway.

I found some articles talking about plugins and I followed them but in vain.

I want to know which DLLs should I deploy and where to put them. any help for these two problems?

21st July 2010, 14:49
Copy the entire plugins Directory which is under your Qt Installation to your Application path.

21st July 2010, 15:11
thanks for your point.

The problem solved but note these two points:
1- I didn't include the entire folder, it's 36 Mega Bytes, just I took "phonon_ds94.dll" and "qjpeg4.dll".
2- If I put the dlls in "plugins" folder in my app folder, it doesn't work. but I removed the plugins folder and put the two sub-folders containing my dlls directly in my app folder.

so the folder structure be:
<app folder>