View Full Version : Popup window explorer

22nd July 2010, 17:12
Hi all,

Is there any way to popup window explorer( in standard interface ). For example may I open "My Computer" window from program?

Thank you in advance.

22nd July 2010, 21:18
It works:

QString program = "explorer.exe";
QStringList arguments;
arguments << "file:///";

QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(parent);
myProcess->start(program, arguments);

22nd July 2010, 21:36
OK thanks, but is there cross platform way to do this? Could you please say me "explorer.exe" equivalents on Ubuntu and MacOS?

Thank you in advance

23rd July 2010, 05:26
If you are simply interested in browsing folders, why dont you look at QFileSystemModel :rolleyes: