View Full Version : QTestLib - Testing Exceptions

24th July 2010, 00:26

I'm in the process of migrating a bunch of tests from UnitTest++ to QTestLib. I've gotten almost everything working aside from one thing - testing exceptions.

For example, using UnitTest++, I can verify the following function throws an exception using the CHECK_THROW macro.

int foo(int i)
if (i < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid value for i");

// Do something
return i * 2;


// Ensure exception is thrown when negative value of i is passed
CHECK_THROW(foo(-1), std::invalid_argument);

// Ensure valid data works
CHECK(foo(0) == 0);
CHECK(foo(1) == 2);

Is there a suitable equivalent in QTestLib?

Thanks for any help.

24th July 2010, 04:35
Could you do something like:

try {
QFAIL("Exception not thrown");
catch (...) {


bool exceptionSeen = false;
try {
catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
exceptionSeen = true;
QCOMPARE(exceptionSeen, true);

25th July 2010, 02:07
Thanks for the reply. I was hoping there might be an existing macro/feature I had overlooked, but I guess not.

I ended up creating a macro using a hybrid of the CHECK_THROW and QVERIFY macros:

#define QVERIFY_THROW(expression, ExpectedExceptionType) \
do \
{ \
bool caught_ = false; \
try { expression; } \
catch (ExpectedExceptionType const&) { caught_ = true; } \
catch (...) {} \
if (!QTest::qVerify(caught_, #expression ", " #ExpectedExceptionType, "", __FILE__, __LINE__))\
return; \
} while(0)


QVERIFY_THROW(foo(-1), std::invalid_argument);

Pretty much the same as your 2nd suggestion. Seems to work fine.