View Full Version : QWidget "allways on top + modal to all windows"

24th July 2010, 02:23
Im working with windows platform and I need to know if there is a way to create a widget (that is not a full screen widget, it covers just a part of it) that is allways on top and it behaves like a modal window (so the user cant press other part of the uncovered window and remove the focus of the widget). I have thinked in a full screen transparent widget but I guess there is a better way to doit.


24th July 2010, 03:00
I have thinked in a full screen transparent widget but I guess there is a better way to doit.

Yes, there is. You can look at Window Flags Example (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/widgets-windowflags.html).

24th July 2010, 19:30
Yes, there is. You can look at Window Flags Example (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/widgets-windowflags.html).

Thanks, I will play with the example to see what is the combination of flags to do the trick.
