View Full Version : Two begginer's questions (QSplashScreen mouse event transparency, Qt Resource System)

26th July 2010, 15:05
Hello, I'd like to ask you these two questions:
1. How to make a splash screen which would not disappear after clicking it with left mouse button (if it's possible). I tried to set attribute Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents but it didn't work. Any ideas?

2. Is there any size limit in Qt's Resource System? I tried to make simple animation on the startup and therefore i added 44 .png files to the .qrc file. When I'm trying to compile it, I'm getting such an error:
"cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65535 bytes".

Thanks in advance for your effort.

27th July 2010, 05:33
1. Install an event filter and eat the mouse click events

2. There's always a limit, and that is almost always a hardware limit (size of your HD and other HD parameters, size of your ram etc...)
Most likely your HD is full

27th July 2010, 17:11
I think that's not possible - the .png files I added to the .qrc file have about 12 MB - and I've got a few gigabytes of free space on my HD - or maybe I didn't understand something?

28th July 2010, 14:14
Eating the mouse click events works well, thanks :).
But what about the second issue?