View Full Version : Ftp class for QT

26th July 2010, 18:46
Is there a good simple ftp class which can be used to send a file or get a file from an ftp server?

26th July 2010, 19:28
QFtp (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qftp.html)
You have an example Ftp client in the Demos that come with Qt SDK

26th July 2010, 19:28
Did you notice that Qt has an excellent documentation? See QFtp with its functions get() and put(). There is also an example called "FTP Example".

EDIT: too late ;)

26th July 2010, 21:25
Ok, im total noob! when i try to reference the assembly with

#include <QFtp>

it says Qftp no such file or directory - this is underlining the include directive.

Must I import some library from somewhere? sry for the noobs questions im more c#/java minded :S

26th July 2010, 21:31
In your .pro file add this line:

QT += network