View Full Version : qsqlite for winCE

27th July 2010, 15:54
Hi ,
I am using QT4.6.2 for winCE. I was able to successfully configure and compile qt4.6.2 for winCe. I am also able to deploy application over my winCE target. But I am not able to include any database to my application.

bool rt = db.isDriverAvailable("QSQLITE"); ///rt is returning false here.

how can I include QSQLITE database in my qt libraries. Should I add it as a plugin or can I directly make it include inside qt libraries.

I tried doing the configure with -qt-sql-sqlite flag, but didnt help.

I also tried adding sqlite as plugin by the following method:

cd %QTDIR%\src\plugins\sqldrivers\sqlite


but "nmake" is failing.

I am able to use the includes
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QtSql>.
So I think, the QSQLITE driver. The libraries are not recognizing QSQLITE driver.

Please help me with how can I add QSQLITE with my winCE libraries. ?

Thank You