View Full Version : launch and set console (.pro) under linux

10th August 2006, 11:19
Hi, i've problem under linux;
I'd like create Edit.out (executable file) and launch it from console; but when I type 'Edit.out' + <enter>, console say me that unnknow comand;
I can launch app (using KDE) with double click on my application icon; but with this way I can't see console under my application..How can I do it under linux? Thanks

CONFIG += qt console warn_on opengl exceptions
TARGET = Edit.out

10th August 2006, 11:52
You need to type ./Edit.out, that is ./<exactly the filename>. The standard command shell only searches in the directories pointed out by PATH, so you need to type ./ first to tell it to look in the current directory. Then it is case sensitive - that is upper and lower case does matter.