View Full Version : How to display an image on a label from a folder containing images.
28th July 2010, 16:25
I have to display a number of images from a folder in bin onto a label or any other widget with an alterable frame rate??
28th July 2010, 16:30
What have you tried?
29th July 2010, 06:28
thanx for showing concern...............................
I am able to display a single image from a folder onto a label but don't know how to go beyond that. I mean how would I get a slide show kind of a thing??
29th July 2010, 07:32
Have a look at QTimer
Also if you are using 4.6.3, you have animation classes,, but try the timer thing first :)
29th July 2010, 07:58
Create a QTimer, connect its timeout() signal to the slot in which you'll change the images. In such slot you should use setPixmap function.
QTimer *slideShow = new QTimer(this);
connect(slideShow,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(chan gePixmap()));
ui.labelName.setPixmap(QPixmap("C:/path_to_image/imageName" + QString.setNum(imgNum) + ".ext")); //imgNum can be for example a private object of MainWindow class
imgNum = (imgNum + 1) % 10 //for a series of 10 images with names "imageName(0-9).ext"
30th July 2010, 06:25
Create a QTimer, connect its timeout() signal to the slot in which you'll change the images. In such slot you should use setPixmap function.
QTimer *slideShow = new QTimer(this);
connect(slideShow,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(chan gePixmap()));
ui.labelName.setPixmap(QPixmap("C:/path_to_image/imageName" + QString.setNum(imgNum) + ".ext")); //imgNum can be for example a private object of MainWindow class
imgNum = (imgNum + 1) % 10 //for a series of 10 images with names "imageName(0-9).ext"
I have implemented it as :
// MainWindow.cpp consists of this snippet:
QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
QStringList fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,
tr("Open Image"), "C:/qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.0/bin/", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp *.avi *.gif)"));
QStringListIterator iterator(fileName);
label = new QLabel;
connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(nextPict ure(QStringListIterator&)));
//And the slot nextPicture is defined as:
void MainWindow::nextPicture(QStringListIterator& iterator)
But this is not displaying even a single image(which was getting displayed earlier).
Thanx in advance.
30th July 2010, 07:23
connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(nextPict ure(QStringListIterator&)));
You cannot connect that. It must be returning false.
The slot MUST have equal to or less than arguments than the signal, and each argument matching like in functions..
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