View Full Version : QInputDialog and OSG

29th July 2010, 12:41
Hi all!

I'm working on an interface with qt 4.6 and Open Scene Grapht... If I call
QString text = QInputDialog::getText(NULL, tr("Nombre de la medición"),
tr("Nombre:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
QString::null, &ok);
With nothing loaded in the 3d scene, no problem. But if I load anything on 3d scene, when I call to the dialog the qlineEdit dont update. This doesn'tupdate until pressing the OK button, and I can't read the writing on it.

Sorry for my English...

Any help???


29th July 2010, 13:19
I don't understand what you mean.
Do you want the input dialog to show a value when you open it?
If so, don't use QString::null but some actual data.

30th July 2010, 08:41
I don't understand what you mean.
Do you want the input dialog to show a value when you open it?
If so, don't use QString::null but some actual data.

I can't see the changes in Dialogs qlineEdit if I write on it... This keeps the initial value (in this case null). But when you press Ok, it take the changes and give me the new value... is a visualization problem...

30th July 2010, 09:34
Solved upadated from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3!