View Full Version : Fill ellipse in reverse orer (from diameter to center).

1st August 2010, 18:11
Hi Friends,

I am implementing some masking feachers for the ellipse. In there I have to implement masking in the ellipse from diameter to center based on the index. I am using QGraphicsScene method "addEllipse(...)" to add the ellipse (As I have some requirements so that QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene are necessary for me).

So far I have incremented the pen size of the ellipse to get the same behavior but I am getting some deviation from the diameter.

Is there any better solution to do this, or how can I remove such deviation from the diameter.

I have attached the images for the reference and comparison.

2nd August 2010, 05:57
You might as well play with QRadialGradient

2nd August 2010, 19:07
Hi aamer...thanks for the suggestion...I think this is the better approach to do this...

once again thanks for the reply...