View Full Version : QPixmap/QImage load a big picture fail in Symbian. Help!

3rd August 2010, 15:23
1),I run the program in Symbian(5800).
2),I traversed a directory of all the pictures,Most of the pictures can be displayed,so the path is correct.

question: When a picture's size is big(for example:1920*1200),QPixmap pix("Image path"); is fail. The pictcure can not be displayed.QImage was so.

I would like to know what is the reason?

3rd August 2010, 18:43
Even large images failed for me. Try using smaller sizes.

Also in place of QPixmap, try using QImageLoader, you can get a specific size pixmap from that.

4th August 2010, 01:14
I use Qt4.7, so,QImageLoader does not exist . then I finded QImageReader, Successfully solved the problem, Thank you for your reminder.

4th August 2010, 05:54
Ya, sorry it was QImageReader itself , my mistake :(
By the way, did you read in smaller size or 1900x1200 size only ?

11th August 2010, 15:06
Ya, sorry it was QImageReader itself , my mistake :(
By the way, did you read in smaller size or 1900x1200 size only ?

I can read any size.

17th May 2011, 08:16
I was facing a similar problem! Used QImageReader, problem solved!

Thanks everyone!