View Full Version : Windows Compiler error

4th August 2010, 09:59
Hello, I created an project on Linux and it compiles perfectly. Then I opened it in Vista. I compiled it and it ran fine as well. However, when I try to open the .exe file in the debug folder, it show the error message:

it was not possible to start the aplication because mingwm10.dll was not found.

What does this mean? Was the Qt project not suppose to run on Vista?


4th August 2010, 10:20
You have to deliver the plugins within your directory. See the how to deploy an application in the docs.

4th August 2010, 10:28
Your application runs fine when start from Run button in Qt Creator, but gives that error when double-clicked from explorer? If so you can do one of the two things:

1) On your computer you can add the environment variables path for Qt and MingW

2) Or you can copy the required dll's in the same folder with your application.exe

You need at least two dll's for MingW runtime:
mingwm10.dll and libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
you can find this two in the Qt_install_folder\mingw\bin

and for the Qt "stuff", you find those dll's in: Qt_install_folder\qt\bin (THE ONES FROM Qt_install_folder\qt\ DON'T WORK)
Also, note that there are different versions for debug and release (like for example: QtGui4.dll - release and QtGui4d.dll - debug version)