View Full Version : QAbstractProxyModel for 'Group By' -- works but arrow keys don't !?

4th August 2010, 18:31
I've worked on a QAbstractProxyModel to group source model data into a tree, based upon specifying a column to group by.

It works a charm, and all in all I'm happy.


Arrow keys no longer work and I really cannot work out why?

Any hints?

// Proxy model for doing groupBy
class GroupByModel : public QAbstractProxyModel

int groupBy;

QList<QString> groups;
QList<QModelIndex> groupIndexes;
QMap<QString, QVector<int>*> groupToSourceRow;
QVector<int> sourceRowToGroupRow;


GroupByModel(QObject *parent = NULL) : QAbstractProxyModel(parent), groupBy(-1) {
~GroupByModel() {}

void setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) {

QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const {
if (parent.isValid()) {
return createIndex(row,column, (void*)&groupIndexes[parent.row()]);
} else {
if (column == 0)
return groupIndexes[row];
else {
return createIndex(row,column,NULL);

QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const {
// parent should be encoded in the index if we supplied it, if
// we didn't then return a duffer
if (index == QModelIndex() || index.internalPointer() == NULL) {
return QModelIndex();
} else if (index.column()) {
return QModelIndex();
} else {
return *static_cast<QModelIndex*>(index.internalPointer());

QModelIndex mapToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const {

if (proxyIndex.internalPointer() != NULL) {

int groupNo = ((QModelIndex*)proxyIndex.internalPointer())->row();
if (groupNo < 0 || groupNo >= groups.count() || proxyIndex.column() == 0) {
return QModelIndex();

return sourceModel()->index(groupToSourceRow.value(groups[groupNo])->at(proxyIndex.row()),
proxyIndex.column()-1, // accomodate virtual column
return QModelIndex();

QModelIndex mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const {

// which group did we put this row into?
QString group = whichGroup(sourceIndex.row());
int groupNo = groups.indexOf(group);

if (groupNo < 0) {
return QModelIndex();
} else {
QModelIndex *p = new QModelIndex(createIndex(groupNo, 0, NULL));
return createIndex(sourceRowToGroupRow[sourceIndex.row()], sourceIndex.column()+1, &p); // accomodate virtual column

QVariant data(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const {

if (!proxyIndex.isValid()) return QVariant();

QVariant returning;

// if we are not at column 0 or we have a parent
//if (proxyIndex.internalPointer() != NULL || proxyIndex.column() > 0) {
if (proxyIndex.column() > 0) {

returning = sourceModel()->data(mapToSource(proxyIndex), role);

} else if (proxyIndex.internalPointer() == NULL) {

// its our group by!
if (proxyIndex.row() < groups.count()) {

// blank values become "(blank)"
QString group = groups[proxyIndex.row()];
if (group == "") group = QString("(blank)");

// format the group by with ride count etc
if (groupBy != -1) {
QString returnString = QString("%1: %2 (%3 rides)")
.arg(sourceModel()->headerData(groupBy, Qt::Horizontal).toString())
returning = QVariant(returnString);
} else {
QString returnString = QString("All %1 rides")
returning = QVariant(returnString);

return returning;


QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const {
if (section)
return sourceModel()->headerData(section-1, orientation, role);
return QVariant("*");

bool setHeaderData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::EditRole) {
if (section)
return sourceModel()->setHeaderData(section-1, orientation, value, role);
return true;

int columnCount(const QModelIndex &/*parent*/ = QModelIndex()) const {
return sourceModel()->columnCount(QModelIndex())+1; // accomodate virtual group column

int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const {
if (parent == QModelIndex()) {

// top level return count of groups
return groups.count();

} else if (parent.column() == 0 && parent.internalPointer() == NULL) {

// second level return count of rows for group
return groupToSourceRow.value(groups[parent.row()])->count();

} else {

// no children any lower
return 0;

// does this index have children?
bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &index) const {

if (index == QModelIndex()) {

// at top
return (groups.count() > 0);

} else if (index.column() == 0 && index.internalPointer() == NULL) {

// first column - the group bys
return (groupToSourceRow.value(groups[index.row()])->count() > 0);

} else {

return false;


// GroupBy features
void setGroupBy(int column) {

// shift down
if (column >= 0) column -= 1;

groupBy = column; // accomodate virtual column

QString whichGroup(int row) const {

if (groupBy == -1) return tr("All Rides");
else return groupFromValue(headerData(groupBy+1, Qt::Horizontal).toString(),


// implemented in RideNavigator.cpp, to avoid developers
// from working out how this QAbstractProxy works, or
// perhaps breaking it by accident ;-)
QString groupFromValue(QString, QString) const;

void clearGroups() {
// Wipe current
QMapIterator<QString, QVector<int>*> i(groupToSourceRow);
while (i.hasNext()) {
delete i.value();

int groupCount() {
return groups.count();

void setGroups() {

// let the views know we're doing this

// wipe whatever is there first

if (groupBy >= 0) {

// create a QMap from 'group' string to list of rows in that group
for (int i=0; i<sourceModel()->rowCount(QModelIndex()); i++) {
QString value = whichGroup(i);

QVector<int> *rows;
if ((rows=groupToSourceRow.value(value,NULL)) == NULL) {
// add to list of groups
rows = new QVector<int>;
groupToSourceRow.insert(value, rows);

// rowmap is an array corresponding to each row in the
// source model, and maps to its row # within the group

// add to this groups rows

} else {

// Just one group by 'All Rides'
QVector<int> *rows = new QVector<int>;
for (int i=0; i<sourceModel()->rowCount(QModelIndex()); i++) {
groupToSourceRow.insert("All Rides", rows);


// Update list of groups
int group=0;
QMapIterator<QString, QVector<int>*> j(groupToSourceRow);
while (j.hasNext()) {
groups << j.key();
groupIndexes << createIndex(group++,0,NULL);

// all done. let the views know everything changed

Many thanks for taking time to look at this! it really is appreciated.


4th August 2010, 18:36
I should have mentioned that the arrow keys don't move up and down in a QTreeView when this proxymodel is between the view and the source sqltable.


4th August 2010, 20:10
Fixed it ha!

Because I have a virtual column in column zero, but mapToSource returns an invalid QModelIndex for column zero (because it doesn't exist in the source) then the flags for column zero are empty -- and makes it non-selectable.

If I provide my own version of ::flags() and make it selectable the arrow keys spring into life. yay!

here is the bit of code I needed to add, I make the groupby's unselectable since they are just 'headings' not data (if that makes any sense).

Qt::ItemFlags flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const {
if (index.internalPointer() == NULL) {
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
} else {
return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;